Urgent Care Centre Launches in Aldershot

Residents across North East Hampshire and Farnham and Surrey Heath will be able to access more primary care appointments this winter.

Frimley Health and Care are launching a pilot service ready for winter located at the Aldershot Urgent Care Centre, to increase access to same day urgent care for minor illness.

The service is open Monday to Saturday from 8am – 8pm. If you contact 111 or your local GP practice, you may be offered an appointment here. You may also be redirected to this service if you attend A&E.

There is a walk-in clinic for under-12s, available Monday – Saturdays from 2-6pm. *However, booking is strongly recommended for children under 12 to avoid long waiting times and to ensure availability of appointment as those with urgent clinical needs will be prioritised.

For more information about the service, and for wait times for the under 12 walk in service, visit: www.aldershoturgentcarecentre.co.uk

Read full details by clicking here

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Our team of healthcare professionals, here to help you!

We have a great team of healthcare professionals to care for you. These include Paramedics, Clinical Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Mental Health Support workers, Social Prescribers, Nurses, Phlebotomists and GPs.  Help us to help you and let us know the reason you’re asking for an appointment. Our team can then direct you to the best care professional for your needs

Practice team here to help you 2 October 19, 2023

Good Sleep Matters – A Range of Support Options are Available

We know that good sleep matters. It reduces our risk of developing serious illness, boosts our immune system, reduces stress and helps us think more clearly – and a good night’s sleep can make us feel great!
If you are struggling to sleep, there are a range of support options
open to you, from local talking therapies services to online tools.
Locally, we can also offer the Sleepio programme.

Click here to read more about support services and apps.