Surgery Times and Appointment Types

Our Doctors hold surgeries daily Monday to Friday with a selection of evening and Saturday surgeries.  You can book appointments with any of our Doctors on-line using the link on our home page or by calling the surgery.


















Dr N Bajwa (M)

Dr A Uppal (F)

Dr S Sekhon (M)

Dr A Chang (F)

Dr R Sahajpal (F)

Dr J Deverteuil (M)

Practice Nurses

Blood Test Clinics

For Urgent medical care or Urgent advice when the surgery is closed CALL 111

(Our surgery is closed from 6.30pm to 8.00am Monday to Friday and all day Saturday and Sunday)

If you are experiencing a true emergency dial 999.  For urgent medical advice call 111.

Routine Appointments

A routine appointment is for 10 minutes, which is enough time to discuss 1-2 problems.

We also have telephone appointments available daily with GPs.  Please provide a contact number as the clinician will attempt to reach you twice so please be available to take the call.

When visiting the surgery for an appointment, please allow time for traffic especially at the moment with all the roadworks in our area so that you arrive in good time.  If you do arrive late you might not been seen and may be offered another appointment so as not to delay those waiting to see the doctor for that surgery.

Home Visits

All home visit requests should be made by contacting the Practice by 10.30am.  Medical attention is better dealt with at the surgery where full examination and treatment can be administered so we prefer patients to visit us in surgery.  Please ring the main switchboard before 10.30am if you think you need a home visit and be prepared to tell the receptionist about your condition so that we cna decide the best way to assess you.  The Doctor may wish to speak with you on the telephone.  Home visits are normally made between 12pm and 2pm.

A home visit is usually only carried out in the following instances:

  • Terminal illness
  • Severe illness
  • Housebound patients or those unfit to travel

If you are suffering from a severe case of any of the symptoms below dial 999:

  • Severe chest pain
  • Severe shortness of breath
  • Severe bleeding
  • Any kind of major collapse

It is not usual for the doctor to visit children with: Fevers, coughs, colds, sore throats, earache, headache, diarrhoea, or vomiting

It is not usual for the doctor to visit adults with: Coughs, sore throats, ‘the flu’, back pains or abdominal pain

Test Results

Please telephone the surgery for test results after 10.00am. Blood and Urine tests generally take 3-5 working days; X-ray results can take 2-3 weeks.  Smears can take up to 4 weeks and the result will be posted to you.  Please remember that you can see results online or on your Patient Access app.


Visitors to the area

Patients registered with a GP in England can be seen at the practice if they are unable to get to their registered GP whilst visiting this area.  Please contact the surgery for further information.