Non-NHS Charges

Our GPs offer some non-NHS services, for which there is a charge.  For example HGV and Taxi medicals, fitness to travel letters, housing association letters, private Fit Notes etc.

Examples of the charges for some of these non-NHS services are shown below:

Non-NHS Charges for over-the-counter forms including:
Treatment/Service Notes Cost Per
Holiday Cancellations
Housing Letters
Insurance Claims
Fit to Fly
£55.00 Each
Copy of Patient Record Only if specific request and authorisation by patient received. £0 unless large volume or repeat request
Registered Childminder Ofsted form £55.00 Per Form
Insurance Medical Reports All £150.00 + £50 per additional form Examination
HGV Medicals Registered patients only £138.00 Examination
All Taxi Medicals Providing no long term medication and fit and well.  (This service is also available to unregistered patients) £138.00 Examination
Sporting/Activity Medicals £150.00 Examination
Private Consultation £140


30 minutes

20 minutes

Private Prescriptions You will also need to pay the price of the medication at the pharmacy. £25.00 Presciption
DNA test Appointment Required £80.00 Per Person

We do not carry out any private IVF blood tests for patients under private treatment.  This includes actually taking the bloods.

Payment can be made using Credit or Debit cards only.