Our catchment area broadly covers the Aldershot, Ash and Tongham area.
Before registering please type your postcode in the Postcode Check box below to see if you are in our catchment area. If you are, you can now request registration online by clicking the link below and completing the online form. We will then contact you regarding your registration request.
Click here to request registration with our practice. Please complete all the fields in the form and complete one form per adult or child requesting registration.
If you do not wish to register via our online process, please follow the instructions below to print out our registration forms. Either post them to us or bring them to the reception team after 10am Monday to Friday.
Translation of brief registration information – click here
You can check to see if you are within our catchment area by simply typing your postcode in the white box above and clicking ‘Search’.
If you are not registering online you can come into the practice to collect registration forms. You can also find these forms in our Useful Forms Section.
Once we have registered you we will offer you an appointment for a New Patient Health Check. This helps us ensure that all your health checks are up to date and that our records reflect your current health status.
If you are visiting England for a short period of time and are normally resident in another country please click the following link for further information: Overseas Visitors